For Businesses
Consider how the following situations are better in a shared learning facility.

Chess Classes Business
On their own
Rents an industrial unit in Costa Mesa, CA.
Pays $2400 a month in rent.
Not a child-friendly environment.
In a shared learning facility
Rents a classroom for 35 hours a week
and a full-time office. -
Pays $2000 a month in rent. ($400 savings)
Kids can play outdoors before and after class.
Classes for Homechoolers
On their own
Rents an office unit in Santa Ana, CA
Pays $3000 a month in rent
Not a child-friendly environment
In a shared learning facility
Rents two classrooms for 25 hours a week and a full-time office.
Pays $2700 a month in rent. ($300 savings)
Students can spend lunch hour with friends from other classes.

Martial Arts Classes
On their own
Rents a retail unit in Costa Mesa, CA.
Pays $10,000 a month in rent.
Not a child-friendly environment.
In a shared learning facility
Rents two large classrooms for 35 hours a week and a full-time office.
Pays $6380 a month in rent. ($3620 savings)
Siblings can play outside while waiting.
Added Benefits
Not only do the participating businesses save money, but they also have access to:
A shared receptionist
Common areas
Teacher's lounge
Plus multiple similar (not same) businesses sharing a facility creates synergy, lifting all the businesses together -- like the food court in the mall!